Enchanted Rose


The Rose is available for local pickup/delivery, or can be shipped via FedEx. The Rose and hand mirror can ship together or separately.

Please select the dates you would like the prop for your rental. All props rents by the week with a one week minimum. Package discounts are available.

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SKU: BTY_ERK Categories: , , Tags: ,


This piece of magic floral is designed to light up and drop petals on cue for your production of Beauty and the Beast. The enchanted rose can be controlled over your own DMX run with the supplied wireless transmitter and receiver, or you can option to rent our DMX controller for a wireless remote control operation. The roses are painted in a brilliant red paint that glow when the lights in the base come on.

Features included with rental:

Removable 24″ tall acrylic dome to house the rose
Remotely and locally controlled petal drop
Remotely and locally controlled UV LED lighting
Stand alone, battery powered system (charger included) so there are no need for ANY wires (control, power, or otherwise). It can be placed on any flat surface within 100′ of the transmitter!
Can be wired to power and/or DMX if wireless is not desired.
Make this a magical addition to your production.


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